China-Impervious-Surfaces-Percentage data (2000,2005,2010)

Release of China-Impervious-Surfaces-Percentage data (25 February, 2014)

      1.Characteristics of the data
        Data format: raster image structure, geotiff format
        Geographic extent: china
        Data size: 32-bit data, roughly 309.08 MB unzipped(pre year)

        The data is geotiff format produced from Arcgis
        Projection information may have to be set other software depending on the projection. For coordinate system parameters, see below.

      2.Data dimensions and projection parameters

        The data are provided using the projected coordinate systems below: 
        Columns = 9852
        Rows = 8224
        Pixel size = 500 meters
        Layers = 1
        Data size = 1 Byte
        Upper left x, y = -2660212.87077,5973759.9718 meters
        Lower right x, y = 2265787.12923,1861759.9718 meters
        Projection: Albers false_easting: 0.000000
        false_northing: 0.000000
        central_meridian: 105.000000
        standard_parallel_1: 25.000000
        standard_parallel_2: 47.000000
        latitude_of_origin: 0.000000
        Linear Unit: Meter (1.000000)
        Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_Krasovsky_1940 Angular
        Unit: Degree (0.017453292519943295) Prime
        Meridian: Greenwich (0.000000000000000000)
        Datum: D_Krasovsky_1940 Spheroid: Krasovsky_1940 Semimajor
        Axis: 6378245.000000000000000000
        Semiminor Axis: 6356863.018773047300000000
        Inverse Flattening: 298.300000000000010000 

Contact information
        All comments, questions and concerns should be directed to:
        Liu Xiaoping
        Professor,Geography and Planning School of Sun Yat-Sen University
        135 West Xingang RD., Haizhu District
        Guangzhou, P.R. China
        Zip code: 510275

        [1] A normalized urban areas composite index (NUACI) based on combination of DMSP-OLS, MODIS EVI, and NDWI for mapping impervious surface